Saturday, March 15, 2008


some fresh air out Wenhui and surprisingly saw HeXian...we all head to RP for their enrollment...saw jermaine there..btw her mum just called at 1am plus...ahhhh..continueingly Wenhui and Hexian went through all stations while i m designing Felicia's tee...
a moment of happiness really helps really takes courage..n practically..
nv been depressed down, huhuhu for months with is not really doin well/.then my lisence...tio fly aeroplane like drink water.. $%^$&#*
though encouragements are floating around, not a single one really get into me..jannson's managed to penetrate 50 %..
i m really really not born talent, just need to put in 1000 % effort...n i really care that how much my angmor had skills jolly well remain...have not practice u babies for so long..candles, rings , balls ....
maybe, or really...i need to think..

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