Wednesday, March 10, 2010


而我也选择了这段道路。。。 。。。

to all teens out there who feel hopeless and un-loved,
be AWARE...
as much as the number of people who hate you, somewhere in this world, there are as much people who love you!

badminton with NAFA gang:D
red team: Meiman and Xianhan
from afare..the other team: Deqi and Alvin
Mikki was sick and couldn't join us. :(

then i head off to meet kae, and Money flew away like this..
and the end result will look like this!
our weeks of excitement:
no one's gonna pity you.
no one's gonna take you with them forever, neither do u take them with you along forever.

I love wad Jastina says:
Everyone have a PAST, So Treasure the PRESENT now or else it will turn to be a PAST too.. :)

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